Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I dreamt of the number 617 last night. What does it mean?

Last night I did have a strange dream like the lyrics to that song say. Anyway part of the dream found me in Chicago trying to take a picture with my iPad of beautiful scenery.

It seemed like it was near the Museum of science and industry, but then I knew I was probably downtown.

I wanted to hide my iPad and it one point I think I did hide it under my shirt. I moved along and went into a dark public parking lot.

When I got into the parking lot a man came up to me and handed me parking tickets and he told me to stand there and sell them for 617 each.

So I do remember that the numbers were 617, and although I didn't want to sell the tickets, and I didn't end up selling the tickets, I ran away and ran through different stairwells trying to get away from the man.

Of course now I'm thinking and wondering if I should play the number 617 in the lottery and I haven't played the lottery since I don't know when and I almost kind of don't even totally know how but I know you can play it straight or boxed or all these different combinations.

Anyway I did look up John six verse 17 and it's the part where Jesus is walking on water 16 says that when evening came his disciples went down to the lake and 17 says where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum.

By now it was dark and Jesus had not yet joined them, is the end of 17 and I thought about how scary it might've been to be dark and Christ not yet having joined his disciples at that point but right after that a strong wind blew in the waters grew rough and they rowed three and three and half miles then saw Jesus approaching the boat.

That's when he said it is I don't be afraid.

So biblically I don't really know what my 617 drink means but I like when I can remember exact numbers and it seems to me that they mean something so I want to stay aware throughout the day and throughout the week I can pray for God to guide me on any significance of every dream that he gives me in Jesus name I do pray and pray for you and your salvation and trust God to trust in Christ Jesus and run to only him today.

There's a reason that you found this post. Period.

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