Monday, September 30, 2013

Dream about Oprah running down the streets of Chicago

Part of my dream last night in tailed me riding in the car, and I know now it was a black limo.

I was riding with someone else was driving I believe it was a man and it seemed to me we were in Chicago somewhere on the south side perhaps and it seemed as if we were driving north.

The funny thing is we drove past Opera and she was kind of wearing blue, come to think of it it looked kind of like a blue hospital gown or something but I believe she was dressed for a movie role.

It was weird though because she was by herself and she was on the right side of the street after we had turned a corner and I was like oh my goodness that's Oprah so let's stop and pick her up because she was by herself.

But the guy who was driving wasn't stopping fast enough. He might have slowed down or even stopped but then he was going to zoom and keep racing again so I kept telling him to brake.

He would break a bed and then she would catch up a little bit but then he would kind of Zumoff again and I just want him to stop and let Oprah get in the car. At one point I think he stopped long enough so that she knocked on the window and that's when I realize that we were in a limo or it may have been even been a Lincoln town car but I know it was some kind of extended or stretch black nice vehicle and I think I was riding in the back.

So I remember open knocking on the window as if she was ready to get in and she looked really regular not too fancy because her hair was nice and curly and not a lot of make up and again she was out of her element and she was alone and she was in this not necessarily so great not necessarily bad neighborhood in Chicago and I want her to get in and just hang out with us and be safe but the guy driving was driving so freaking fast that it took forever.

I do remember her knocking on the window but I don't remember her ever getting in the car with us.

Friday, September 27, 2013

I dreamt of a tree and being high up in a tree and of bending trees

So I just remember that my tree dreams have continued and instead of seeing trees that have already fallen on the ground this time I jumped of being high up in trees and my way to the top of the tree potentially bringing one down gently so as not to hurt myself. I didn't get hurt.

Believe I was climbing trees are at the top of trees and they were more bear without a lot of leaves and I remember thinking perhaps this is the first time that awaits so great like my 170 pounds was at the top of this particular tree to bring it down or bend it quite a bit but I don't really remember landing or anything like that and I remember several trees climbing them.

Disturbing dreams, beautiful angel clown, lots of water, crisis mode, making your money work by trying different options

Sometimes we have disturbing dreams and part of my night involved a disturbing dream and there was lots of water but it ended up well after the "crisis mode".

There was a gorgeous angel and she had very fair skin her almost like she was painted like a clown her and she had rosy cheeks and make up and she was gorgeous and I knew she was an angel.

That was in my backyard and she was actually in my childhood parents backyard and she gave something very special back to me.

Making my money work for me

I don't like to concentrate on the bad part of dreams, because that particular type probably wasn't even from God so I won't concentrate on that except the angel part was cool.

When I do want to note is one part of the dream that was really significant and it was the fact that I was reading online perhaps about getting 100,000 hour in my dream at me of been $1 million and I was speaking with two other men and I believe they were the techy types like me and I think they were white guys.

Anyway it was really put in an interesting way in my dream but the gist of it was to use the million dollars to have the money work for me in that all that money could be used almost like a machine to quickly go out and eliminate or discover solutions and that would make more money and perhaps that's the idea of the growth hacking phenomena.

So the thought was I could use this $1 million and have it go out there and choose a bunch of different solutions let's say the first $100,000 would be put to work to try 100 different things and from that I could discover the things that do bring a good return in there for duplicate them in essence making my money work for me.

In my dream it really was like a "ah ha" moment in the way that it was perfect but the idea I think I've captured and I love the fact of having a large sum of money and being able to send it out like little workers to literally work for me and discover profitable solutions. I love that.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dreams about wearing a towel, a snake on the floor and really crowded church

So of course I had another dream about me being dressed inappropriately in front of people and this time I was in my former church and I was wearing only a towel.

Other people had on clothes and it wasn't too crowded but at one point I said let me go put on some clothes.

When I started to leave that's when times of crowds of people came, I mean the place was so crowded it was just wall-to-wall people and I don't know what was going on or why it was so many people.

There's this woman who had dropped her necklace and fell on the floor and then she found it but it was the second time she's done so and I wondered why she was the same that can necklace that fell on the floor again instead of just wearing something different.

In another part of my dream there was a snake slithering not my floor but a floor and it was huge but it didn't harm anyone and I was pulling this little girl's feet up and away so wouldn't harm her.

Yet another part of my dream involve Chicago once again another recurring dream whereby I was driving and I drove north on Michigan Avenue near that bridge by the Chicago River.

I wanted to do a U-turn and go back south on Michigan Avenue but I saw the sign that said no U-turns so that's kind of interesting and symbolic seeing as though I will grew up on S. Michigan Ave. in Chicago.

And than that the Chicago portion of my dream didn't seem too long. There was this pretty I think she was a white one and she was standing there it wasn't really the middle of the street but she was singing and then always black eyes watching her and she realize there watching her and said she said she was going to move to a different part.

So she moved and eventually you know what they kind of followed her for walks away in a large group group of them and it's not like they knew each other so I believe that it something interesting important.  She was a pretty woman and very fair skinned, white and that she was white and she had dark brunette hair.

And then I was driving a really fancy cars at some point but before that getting to the car I had a ton of shopping bag so many shopping bags and I was trying to make it to the car before the other couple this black man and woman came here so I made it inside the car and I got my bags all in and they were all in the car.  Then my dress is too low cut, there was a slip in my skirt and four seconds later I reveled in it and a black man looked through the window and he was like all wide-eyed but that cover myself up and at another point in the dream someone who liked the car was driving.

He seemed like a famous white man like football player or someone like I don't know look at Joe Namath type from back in the day but he was driving me in the car but it's a car that he either couldn't afford it or it was like a test driver something back of the car was my car was like red or burgundy and beautiful and…

It had a new interior but it was retro style interior so generous hearts of the car that looked like the dashboard like those olden times – boards kind of wooden details but it was a new car so it was a retro and I was kind of cool and it was huge and I was grateful it was mine.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dreams about the law of attraction, taking tests and stupid Patchouly

Part of my dream I remember last night involved me being in a classroom and there was a teacher and she was Indian wearing a sari and it looked perhaps a beautiful color of Garnet and there was an incense that was empty that I accidentally knocked over.

I called it stupid patchouly as in the scent and then I immediately apologized because I didn't want to offend her in anyway.

She was giving us a test about the law of attraction, or LOA as some abbreviate it but prior to her test I had a discussion about the law of attraction with a man and he was a younger white man and he was in his 20s and perhaps he was kind of tall and may have been even younger.

But I remember perhaps getting into a conversation over whether the law of attraction was Scam or Christian or what exactly was it.

So it was interesting that right after I had this conversation about the law of attraction with this young man, that we were immediately tested on it and the theory that you could attract money towards you and things like that which it seems like the young man and I were kind of giving the whole thing the side eye.

So on the actual test I walked over and found a seat all the way to the right because I didn't want to be accused of cheating and when I got the actual paper it was hard to read it was a bad copy and then there were fill in the blank spaces and things you could choose or circle and then you fill in the spaces to make your own sentence.

For example you might choose the pronoun eye or you could choose you in another instance. And in other portions of the test you could write your own words however, it didn't quite make much sense with the missing words and the words used to fill in the sentence at times was not grammatically correct.

And I remember the Indian teacher making statements about the copier being the best that she could do, obviously the equipment wasn't up to par that she had privy to in that classroom. And that's kind of ironic considering the whole law of attraction theory.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A dream about credit and debit cards and blue Chase card

It's no surprise with all my thoughts about paying off debt and finagling my credit and debit cards is that I dreamt about having a whole bunch of blue cards last night.

I drunk I gave the wrong blue debit Chase card to the cashier and I don't think it went through and the weird thing about it was it had so many numbers on the front kind of liking that braille print but there were more than the average 15 credit or debit card digits.

This one had maybe at least 100 digits on the front and they weren't just in a row but there more like in columns or something all on the front of the card. Maybe there were 100 but there were definitely more than 15 and it was strange and kind of cool the way it looked but I knew it was the wrong card.

So I giving her the correct card which is more like a bright blue Chase debit card that link directly to my checking account and that one was good and I believe it would've gone through but I don't think I got to that part of my dream yet.

AnyWho, I remember telling the cashier that Chase had change the color of their cards and it wasn't the dark blue one, like my Chase ink business card is colored in real life, but it was more of a bright blue one.

The 617 dream revelation and sunglasses

I just realized a couple of funny things from that 617 dream I just heard about. Also as an aside, 617 is area code for Boston.

Anyway while reading John chapter 6, verse 17, about the part where Jesus walks on water, I realize that John left out the part where Peter also walked on water.

Seems like John and Peter did not get along and so John did not want to include Peter's miracle in his book.

That's kind of funny to me.

Sunglasses in my dream

I also remember in last nights dream when I was walking around downtown Chicago, and it was dark, I kept trying to take my sunglasses off and put them on my head but it was weird that the glasses kept appearing on my face.

I kept trying to take them off and I will put them on my head and my hair atop you know near the front of my head and then they would appear on my face again.

I did this several times trying to take those glasses off but I would reach back up and around my face. So I think that's the first time I've had that dream so I guess maybe it's representative of me trying to see clearer and take the darkness away and let the scales drop from my eyes a continual process.

So thank you guys for helping us I'll see clearly and through wisdom's lenses and through your lens God and what you want us to see thank you amen.

I dreamt of the number 617 last night. What does it mean?

Last night I did have a strange dream like the lyrics to that song say. Anyway part of the dream found me in Chicago trying to take a picture with my iPad of beautiful scenery.

It seemed like it was near the Museum of science and industry, but then I knew I was probably downtown.

I wanted to hide my iPad and it one point I think I did hide it under my shirt. I moved along and went into a dark public parking lot.

When I got into the parking lot a man came up to me and handed me parking tickets and he told me to stand there and sell them for 617 each.

So I do remember that the numbers were 617, and although I didn't want to sell the tickets, and I didn't end up selling the tickets, I ran away and ran through different stairwells trying to get away from the man.

Of course now I'm thinking and wondering if I should play the number 617 in the lottery and I haven't played the lottery since I don't know when and I almost kind of don't even totally know how but I know you can play it straight or boxed or all these different combinations.

Anyway I did look up John six verse 17 and it's the part where Jesus is walking on water 16 says that when evening came his disciples went down to the lake and 17 says where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum.

By now it was dark and Jesus had not yet joined them, is the end of 17 and I thought about how scary it might've been to be dark and Christ not yet having joined his disciples at that point but right after that a strong wind blew in the waters grew rough and they rowed three and three and half miles then saw Jesus approaching the boat.

That's when he said it is I don't be afraid.

So biblically I don't really know what my 617 drink means but I like when I can remember exact numbers and it seems to me that they mean something so I want to stay aware throughout the day and throughout the week I can pray for God to guide me on any significance of every dream that he gives me in Jesus name I do pray and pray for you and your salvation and trust God to trust in Christ Jesus and run to only him today.

There's a reason that you found this post. Period.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Say something

When you left to be able to block this way? I love it! And doesn't know ellipses

Meeting my husband and my dreams and new stores on 94th and Michigan

Last night before I went to sleep I joked about meeting my husband in my dreams at the beach or something. I wanted to say Rio, as in Rio de Janeiro, but I didn't.

I thought that instead of having illicit dreams about someone else, why can't wives and husbands dream about each other?

And although I don't remember dreaming of a beach last night, it actually worked because at one point I did dream about my husband sitting across from me in my dream.

The funny thing was we were in some house and it seems like we were on the second floor, and I had been caught not wearing many clothes so once again there's that naked dream that usually signifies being vulnerable I believe, especially since I'm a writer who tends to put some of my emotions out there for public consumption.

Getting clothes from my husband 

So apparently I have been doing something I guess I thought I was alone with a man who turned out to be my husband, but I remember other people bursting into a homer into the room and it just became more people and I thought they were intrusive and I don't know who's home we were in but I remember thinking where all these people coming from?

So I was sitting there hiding my nakedness with my hands and I think I had on like I would appreciate it I want to say and underwear and anyway I Sigel to my husband to give me some close to cover me and he eventually came back in the room and he was sitting across from you want other people were in the room and I could tell he had on extra clothes like he had on under his clothes hiding my clothes.

So I could tell he was booked up with extra clothes and he was kind of waiting trying to do it on the sly throw me some clothes so that I could put them on but I didn't want him to way I wanted him to throw them to me right away because I didn't want to be in the state of nudity that I was experienced experiencing rather I don't thought I looked good bye the bye.

Trying to figure to how to turn this bold, and if you read any crazy grammatical mistakes it's because I'm speaking this into my iPhone which auto corrects sometimes a little bit weirdly humorously and I don't necessarily catches all the mistakes nor want to go back and correct them.

Okay it's off now...

Anyway I was reading an interesting little snippet about lucid dreaming last night and they talked about being able to press your fingers through your hand and if you can do it you know you're dreaming but I forgot all about trying to do that in my dreams last night.

And they spoke about how keeping a dream journal helps you remember your dreams and helps with Dream recall, so I'm doing this and I'm kind of grateful to be able to have the time and energy and sustenance and tools to do it because I like remembering my dreams more children other people it seems sometimes.

Anyway, waiting for my husband to throw me some clothes has plenty of implications about covered in being covered and all these other things I could get into but needless to say I like the thought of husbands and wives dreaming of each other in a good way.

The weird looking animal, drive thru and grocery store items beneath the cart

So in another part of my dream last night I was riding along with a good friend and we drove to some parts and I was driving as we drove there was this weird looking animal that looks sort of like a rooster or chicken but it was tall and big more so big and tall and brown and I just feathery would little bitty legs and we were in a scenic part.

I'm glad we were in a car.

I just remember circling around near it because I was kind of doing a little curve left turn and I remember the kind of tall hills it's a beautiful spot greenery as I drove up to the drive-through to order something.

But it turns out we ended up going inside and it was a grocery store and I had groceries in the car and we were trying to pick the shortest line and someone over to the left hand side I thought it was the shortest lines I was going to get in that line but I realized they had a stack of DVDs and the manager was there and they were counting cash.

So I got in the middle line I believe instead and eventually we checked out book was really cheap groceries do not cost that much money at all, but however on the way out I saw that there was a steak left in the cart in a part in the back where I had paid for it so I took it back out.

So I thought about just turning mistake I can because I didn't want to wait have to go through them pay for it but then I looked underneath the car and saw all this other stuff that we forgot was there really hadn't been there, just appeared and maybe it was bread and all this other stuff that I still need to pay for so that's where the dream kind of left off.

We were debating going back and paying for all that stuff alright enough I was just going to send it somewhere on the shelf but I could tell my friend didn't really want to wait to get back in line and pay for everything because it seem like we had somewhere else to go and she was in a hurry.

The sick friends, hugging, purple lipstick and front row

Another Part of my dream involved me being in between two glass doors kind of like out of school or something, and I saw a friend and I Hunter and she's younger girl she was so cute but it's her nose is kind of tripping and I was like oh no but I hope you're anyway and her mom was there and I think it was her she had on this really pretty purple lipstick so that stood out.

And then it sort of transformed into a part where I was at the front of this huge church and it seemed like I was kind of part of the altar team and I was helping because I saw on the stage was Bishop TD Jakes speaking and it was a shoe which church and it was his church in my dream and I was wrapped up this blanket and I was pulling this huge blanket out of the way.

We were keeping an eye out for the way the crowd slow and what direction the preacher would go because I wanted to make sure no one would trip on the blanket on their way to the older, so it was really huge blanket and I'm not think about it and I was pulling it forward and I was towards the front on the left side from my perspective of the altar on the floor and so I pulled and pulled and pulled the blanket and I was grateful that the blanket Covered me because I was wearing this type black dress that seemed inappropriate but no one could really see it thank god because the blanket was covering me so was a huge comforter even there you go all this stuff is really making more sense now when I think about it being a comforter as in the Holy Spirit being our comforter.

So anyway he was long and huge and pulled and pulled and pulled it out of the way just in case people need that area to flow to the front stage but now that I think about it people did not flow to the front of the stage and maybe band leaving towards the back but my point was I was being prepared for either way so that I didn't want people to have a hindrance in coming to God are coming to Christ and I wanted to help things flow right along but I was Down on the floor and that makes sense in several ways in my mind but I know God will clear up everything that I need to know.

Pretty stores in Chicago

I just realized I didn't write about the last part drinking about my parents going home and at night again, the friend was driving and parking car perpendicular to the curb which was weird so I parked it parallel to the curb as was normal.

And then I ended up leaving and driving north but in my mind I thought it was 94th St. and that's what I called it however it would've been a farther north street.

But the interesting thing about it was that instead of residential homes, there were stores always pretty shops that hadn't been there before so I thought that was kind of delightful to see something so different where you doing Lexi Holmes.

And the stores were all lit up and pretty and they Raisa side of the street and I don't know what types they were I don't know look like you kind of like the neon signs and it's in warm commerce city and inviting and whimsical.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dreams about Eddie Murphy and a 9 AM show or panel, Tad from all my children being a bartender and more

Last night I must've slept really well, thank God, because I dreamt quite a bit and a lot of my dreams last night were about celebrities.

They were unlike the dream from the night before when I dreamt that there was this big hole in the middle of a mall that some people walked into and landed on the floor beneath it and hurt themselves.

In that dream I wanted to warn people and put a guard rail or fence around the whole but I kind of stood off I guess feeling helpless as I watched a couple of people fall.

Although there was a point in last nights dream whereby I pulled people back from a balcony railing because we were up high and I felt they were too close to the railing.

Eddie Murphy in my 9 AM dream

It wasn't 9 AM in real life when I was dreaming about Eddie Murphy, however 9 AM played a big role in my dream about Eddie Murphy and that's a significant time for me because the Bible mentions that time a lot.

It's when the Holy Spirit came and outsiders accuse the disciples of being drunk when they were speaking in tongues but Peter told them it's only 9 o'clock in the morning.

Anyway, in my dream I was at some function and it reminded me of Disney World and I remember that Eddie Murphy was forced to check out the venue with the public. He was set to perform, in this part seems like it came from real life from a different celebrity, who wasn't given a special private tour to check out the venue where he was set to perform, but he was made to check out the venue with the public in advance.

So I saw Eddie Murphy and I was trying to find out information about when and where he would perform. There was a helpful black guy who worked at the venue who whispered to me that Eddie Murphy would be performing at 9 AM at a specific location.

Therefore I went ahead and went to the ticket counter and try to buy tickets for the 9 AM show because I knew Eddie Murphy would be there.

However, when I got to the ticket counter and it was my turn next to
The guy would not sell me the tickets to the 9 AM show. He already knew that people were trying to buy tickets just to that particular panel so they could be close to Eddie Murphy and the first I was worried that I didn't have enough money but then when I looked in my wallet there was an extra $100 plus $20 bill and more that my husband had given me and the extra hundred appeared and wasn't there before.

I remember the white guy who helped me had on like one of those old-time collegiate sweaters and it was a white sweater with some kind of letter on it and I wanted to buy at least two tickets and with that hundred and $20 or more I figured I'd have enough to at least buy two tickets.

So I was upset that he wouldn't sell them to me so I asked to see his manager.

Tad from all my children is a hotel manager

This is another celebrity that next came on the seat seen in my dream. When I asked to speak to the hotel manager, out walks tad from all my children.

He looked great and not quite like himself but he was thinner and his teeth were altogether and tight together and he smiled and he started doing a comedy routine in and of itself.

It was a little bit Raunchy and talking about the backside and stuff like that but he was funny and so he kind of put on a little show himself for us but it turns out he would not sell us the tickets either.

Eddie Murphy in the elevator with us three women

So I left the hotel front desk and I went back to another part and I ended up seeing any Murphy right there in person. He got on a certain elevator and I got on the same elevator, I'm not sure which order, and there were three of us women on the elevator and Eddie Murphy jumped out the elevator at the last minute.

None of us three women followed him when he jumped out, so it was like we passed the test and he jumped back on the elevator because he saw that we didn't want to stalk him I guess.

Riding up in the elevator I noticed him a woman on my left hand side pretty and perhaps Puerto Rican longhair however she looked like a transgendered person and very masculine and I said to him so that's what you like.

After going up on the elevator together is when Eddie Murphy and I started hanging out and we ended up in the conference room or venue where he was set to have a panel discussion at some point.

So it was just he and I and we sat and talked and it was funny he kind of made fun of my hair and I noticed it was all kind of crazy and almost like it isn't real life where it really is, I started to make fun of myself and twist my hair around and kind to fix the back and everything.

Of course I have the urge to take Selfies, and pics of me and him and post them to Facebook but I resisted the urge because I knew he didn't want that and it would've just been too obvious and too intrusive.

So we just hung out more and marked around the hotel and it was a very interesting ending. Somehow it ended up being the next morning and I was walking alone down this road and this woman was black woman very pretty lots of hair weave with beautiful red lipstick was walking with Eddie Murphy coming towards me and I believe he had on a hoodie.

The woman noticed me looking at them and she said to him something like I don't know her and just keep walking she seemed a little bit afraid or creeped out by me. He, in turn, walked right past me as if we had never met her never hung out and it was very fascinating to see the shift of how he would go from one person to the next and act like he had no idea who I was.

The lucid dreaming part in Miami by the highway and the shore

After that part ended I walked to the left and I knew I was in Miami and it was such a chaotic scene.

I was on one side of the highway, that seems impossible to cross because there were so many cars in so much traffic and it was like endless without a break.

On the other side of the highway the waves were crashing and crashing and crashing and the ocean seemed more turbulent than usual.

I know I'm not a resident of Miami, nor have I even perhaps been to Miami beach, however from the chaos it seemed like something was going on down there that wasn't normal.

There were people and it seemed like they were in movement lots of cars were trying to leave in the sea was turned up and it was daytime and there were people that seemed like they were they were walking and they were moving their stuff in there in between the lanes of cars or in there somehow.

I don't know the cause of the melee but with the ocean being churned up like that it makes you think it was weather related, however it was sunny outside. Perhaps there was a storm brewing.

But when I do remember about that portion of my dream is As I stood there, with nowhere to go, is that I looked around and I told myself try to remember the things you were seeing. Obviously I knew I was dreaming.

I look to the right and saw a billboard and try to note what was on the Billboard and I looked around. But now today in real life I don't know that I remember what was written on the billboard. Perhaps it will come to me if it's meant to but I found it interesting that I was trying more of the lucid dreaming that I've wanted to try to literally not only affect the action of the dream but I really want to remember all the little parts that may be important.

The big fish and dancing

Lastly in my trio of celebrity dreams as I can call this, I kind of had a good time dancing with a guy who is not really famous but you could call him sort of a big fish in a small pond.

We are inside someplace and I do remember he got up and we were just dancing together and it was really inappropriate because we are both married.

I think that's why it one point I began to feel uncomfortable but it was fun just dancing and letting loose and I'm trying to remember what else happened in that part of the dream. I know it was dark in there and it wasn't necessarily his apartment but it seemed like his space like his Cove and I seem to remember music and the first it really was a good time.

I think I was the one who put the stock to the dancing because it was just getting too close and nasty and I'm not sure what we talked about after that. I think that's when that faded over into the balcony dream with me trying to snatch people away or literally pulling people away from the edge.

So I think that's it for my famous people dreams and I have no idea what they mean but there is just so much of them and so interesting that I thought it right this big old long post that I spoke into my phone just to get it down and see if it means anything in future days. May God bless us and keep us and protect his own in Jesus name.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More dirty bathroom and poop dreams, plus a Photoshoping husband

I'm glad I remember my dreams from last night, which means I slept well enough and deep enough to dream, although they were odd dreams.

There was the filthy and disgusting bathroom dream again, whereby I entered a public bathroom -- I think it may have been a Burger King bathroom -- and the stall I entered had toilet paper all over.

So I tried to flush and clean it up before I even attempted to use it but ended up getting my left thigh dirty with someone else's filth so I cleaned myself up. I don't remember using it nor sitting down I stood up the whole time.

The husband who photoshopped me

Here was a strange portion of my dreams last night: The husband of a distant relative whom I've probably said not more than two words to in real life was in my dreams last night.

He had sent me two photos via my Facebook inbox whereby he had photoshopped himself next to me in place of my husband.

I though it was such an odd move that in the dream I was trying to hide my iPhone from my husband so he wouldn't see the pics in my inbox. In the photo I saw the man had a black water bottle like a heating pad to recover from groin surgery so I thought the whole thing was odd.

Another part of my dream found me in a vehicle atop a boat or bridge and I thought I wasn't in the right position to make it on the boat but I was. The lady locked off one part and we were moving and I was okay.

There was something orange involved there...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

50 shades of gray is not a true story, I heard in my sleep

You know how you have those dreams are thoughts that come to you and you don't know if it's something that really happened in real life or if you dreamt it?

That's what happened to me when I remembered that I must've dreamt hearing that 50 shades of gray wasn't a true story and in my dream that revelation was somehow controversial because in my dream life I guess people thought it was a true story in real life if that makes any sense at all.

Maybe it's because I was thinking to myself yesterday not to include a reference to 50 shades of gray in this book I'm writing about good reads and how author EL James used good reads to get such a buzz for her 50 shades work.

My logic was that I didn't want to publicize the book even more encourage people to write things like that because I felt like it was the same type of evil that encourage that crazy man who had that Dungen and thank God it was boarded before he could hurt any children but I thought it was the same type of evil encouraging both works.

But maybe my dream somehow was saying that I was overthinking the whole thing. Who knows? Only God.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Rachmaninoff thoughts and take nothing for the journey Mark 6 Bible verse two days in a row

This morning I thought of the name 
Rachmaninoff, and thanks to Google I figured out how to spell it and learned more about the fact that he was a composer and pianist and more of his Russian life growing up and death in Beverly Hills at nearly age 70.

When preparing to do my Bible study, I opened my grandmother's huge green Bible and turned right to the spot in Mark 6 where Jesus told his disciples to take nothing for their journey except their staffs, and to stay in a house till they leave.

But now I'm thinking I must've been in a different synoptic Gospel yesterday because it was similar instructions but Christ told them to let their peace rest on houses that accept them and let it depart from those that don't.

It also has the shake the dust off your feet against towns that don't receive them. Lord, help me always receive You, and whomever reads these words to do the same in Christ's name.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

The spirit of Sanballat

This morning upon waking my mind was stayed, as they stayed, on a certain situation and I believe the Lord spoke to me the words the spirit of Sanballat.

At first I try to remember who he was and then I remembered that he was this opposition old distracting kind a guy.

Once I looked them up I saw that Sanballat was the guy who gave Nehemiah a hard time when Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem that had been destroyed and despite the obstacles he got permission from the king to do so and it took 52 days to get the wall rebuilt.

But Sanballat and his cronies or were just this oppositional force and I don't even know their purpose of why they were against Nehemiah. I like the part when he told Sanballat  you are just making up stories and refused to come meet him or be trapped in his traps.

All the while Nehemiah stayed focused on God and he also focused on guarding and protecting the workers. He had about half the men working on the wall and the other half guarding the wall eventually and he was smart he didn't go bragging and telling everybody at first but he'd even gotten permission from the king, he just kept quiet and more focused on doing his duties.

And perhaps the best part was that Nehemiah didn't take a lot of the things he could've taken, for example I don't believe he genotypic house or investing in properties like other people were during that time and also when the poor complained about not having enough food for their families he prayed and God somehow rectified that situation.

And Nehemiah pray for God to remember him with favor and always spoke about the favor of the Lord's hand being upon him and he didn't get caught in the enemies distractions and he was smart about guarding but he was also fair to people who were hungry and he wouldn't take money off their backs and he sounded like an amazing leader.