Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The trees are changing colors in August 2013

A woman who has a nice YouTube channel that speaks about prophetic things noticed that the trees are changing colors and August 2013.

I believe I had noticed the same thing, especially because it had dipped pretty cold in August 2013 maybe during the middle of the month and it didn't even seem like August but it seemed like football or autumn was already arriving.

I brought this up with a friend of mine and she said someone had mentioned the same thing on Facebook.

The woman with the YouTube channel, whose name I wish I could remember right now, called it the month of confusion.

I don't know if that's really true, but it was an interesting thought.

After all here in the Midwest, the trees probably don't normally begin changing colors until October.

Maybe we can look at it as a good thing, perhaps that we are coming into good seasons earlier than anticipated.

I hope that's true, because I like to look at things from a positive angle at all times.

But just today it's like I finally realized that trees changing colors are slightly or perhaps greatly related to all these treaties that I've seen falling in my dreams lately.

So I've been dreaming of trees that are already falling on the ground in their trunks are laying in the grass or being taken away or seeing their roots exposed, who that's good to route exposed.

And in real life I and others have noticed that the trees are changing colors earlier than they used to. So I believe there's a meeting to all of this and it will be revealed in time. It reminds me of watching under the Dome and the pink stars are following comment in the way that I'll select handful of people are giving clues about what's going to happen in the near future I'm assuming because there's only three more episodes left.

So perhaps the trees are related to men somehow like in my other post but God will reveal what he needs to reveal we can just draw near to him, like I was able to do this morning and read a wonderful verse I believe in Isaiah about the plunder being the trees from strongman something like that and the captives being set free.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My dream of falling trees on the ground by the roots being taken away

Last night I had a dream of trees again, and I noticed that this is a recurring dream so I've been looking up interpretations of falling trees even though I don't know if I should go with some of those interpretations.

It was dark in my dream last night and I don't know really where I was seem like some kind of park or yards and the trees had already fallen and they were trucks and I could see their roots and some of them were huge.

The good thing was I was glad these fallen trees were being hauled away because they were like a nuisance there were something I didn't want there.

I have been commenting with someone else in the dream about the size of a huge these treetrunk swear that have fallen down and I guess I was grateful, even if I didn't say it, that no one had gotten hurt by these huge tree trunks.

But I do remember being grateful to see them being hauled away and out-of-the-way. And I do remember commenting like wow look at that one, wow look at mine how this one my heart went away.

So really think this is a good thing. Deep in my heart of hearts I believe these dreams about trees and Christmas trees represent something symbolic and maybe even men. I was thinking the point in the Bible where they talked about the guy who soundmen as trees clocking the first step after Jesus healed him before he could totally see.

And then I know the Bible mentions like tall Cedars of Lebanon, and likens those trees at times to I believe powerful people, powerful man and large structures.

So I believe these dreams might be the fact that I'm not going to literally watch them fall, because in my dreams the trees have already fallen or have already been cut down.

And it's good they are going to fall on me. Never in my dreams have I really felt the sense of danger except perhaps a little last night just because it was perhaps, storm that brought the trees down but I can literally watch the trees go down so I was just glad they were taken away so they couldn't cost harm.

So I know these recurring dreams mean something. 

During my Bible study this morning I was reading the first chapter of collations in which took me was that it took time for Paul. I like Paul. He seemed different.

This path was a different one from some of the other disciples. It's a time after his calling, after he learned the good news of Jesus Christ directly from the Lord himself.

It took time for him to be accepted  and moved to different levels of his preaching.

It's three years before he went to a certain place, even though he did begin preaching immediately after his conversion and then 14 years after those three years had elapsed did he really get handshakes and acceptance from some church leaders who were forced to recognize the gift that God gave him and the fact that he had been chosen To preach the gospel to non-Jews and he got to deal with poor people, which is what he said he wanted to do anyway.

Somehow I could relate to his different journey Innoway and in no way you going myself to what those apostles went thru but just more of his different journey is unique approach.

I know there are lots of interpretations of trees and how they relate to our lives and dreams but this interesting pattern of falling trees mean something. In my heart of hearts I kind of them believe it means powerful men will fall. And last night the roots were exposed as they were taken away and the tops looked like they had been missing her I know there was deathly at least some kind of the store no so glad those big chunks are being removed so as not to cost danger or harm.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dream about the car steering wheel coming off, putting it back on, driving in the dark

Last night I dreamt I was driving west, out on Medina Road, and it was nighttime. I was alone when I saw a big fire off to my right and the smoke travelled and made it so dark.

I drove in the dark and was afraid I would hit someone or they would hit me but thank God that didn't happen even as I tried to brake. It didn't seem like I slowed down much and even though my headlights were on I couldn't see a thing for a little while.

Eventually I saw past the blackish reddish hue where I thought a truck was in front of me and saw a left turning lane. I turned left and then ended up turning around and driving where I could see and my path was well lit.

I was no longer alone and I felt better as I stopped at a street and we all had to turn right onto Springside Drive, although it didn't look like the real street in real life. The guy with could no longer direct me, saying he didn't know where to go but I told him that was ok because I knew where to go.

As we were stopped waiting to turn right, my steering wheel came off in my hands, but I quickly put the screw back into the socket and tightened it. I was all set to go.

In another part of the dream my friend was driving in Chicago, prepared to merge onto the Dan Ryan and she was yakking on her cell phone so I took it and threw it away so she could see the semi trucks coming and merge safely.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My lucid dream and how I controlled the outcome

I had read about lucid dreaming before and didn't really know what it was until I discovered it was a way to remain conscious and awake during your dreams and attempt to control the outcome.

I realized I kind of prayed to God that I would be able to do this, especially during dreams I didn't like what was occurring.

So last night when I dreamt about crossing a bridge with children and I told one to  slowdown ahead of me because I saw the missing plank in the bridge, and I saw the child fall through to the water, I was able to reach down and grab them out of the dark water.

It's like I was writing the dream as it happened, and I said what if instead of the girl it where the boy I just pulled out and that's what happened I pulled out the boy.

So then I said I don't want to go down and this Deepwater so what if the girl right there standing on something I guess which she was but I don't know if I had written it that way but I was easily able to grab her hand and pull her up.

I specifically remember a part of me being able to recognize somehow that I was dreaming and I was writing this scenario and it was able to come out with a positive ending.

Another scene in last nights dream didn't feel as lucid because I didn't know what was going to happen.

I was walking down the modern hallway of the school that my kids used to attend, and there was a snake slithering along that we passed and it was a healthy little size snake it wasn't a garter snake.

So I saw it trying snap up at the girl and am it did not strike her and we Going ahead of it but he kept slithering along at such a fast pace of that I didn't like the way it was keeping up with us.

So I had the children walk even faster with me I had of it and I screamed snake to the officials in the school so they can take care of it but I got upset when I saw this one Caucasian man he was overweight and I saw him down at the other end of the hallway and he sat down and lay down in the hallway.

At first I thought he wasn't doing anything about the problem but then I realized he was blocking that part the hallway to protect the children so they could not come closer to the snake at the same time another Caucasian man he had like a black hat I believe and he had his rifle and he stepped over the overweight man to come to the part that was blocked off so he could shoot the snake.

I was grateful that they were taking care of the problem I was rushing my children along so we could go around the bend around the corner so we wouldn't accidentally get shot and I thought it was a bit of overkill to actually shoot the snake but I didn't blame them for taking care of the problem.

Guy who was coming to shoot the snake he reminded me of some character from some old sitcom or something like this country bumpkin kind a guy with a black hat and I don't know really what kind of clothes and his long black skinny rifle, but he seemed out of place in this modern 21st-century school.

So that portion of the dream ended right when we were about to round the corner and before he shot so that was it I guess it was another one of those cliffhanger dreams, but he really intrigued me the lucid portion of the dream really intrigued me.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Another Christmas tree on the highway in real life with the bottom sheared off

Today I saw another Christmas tree on the right side of the highway in real life with the bottom sheared off. I don't think it's a common thing to see Christmas trees on the street or the highway so I believe God is trying to tell me something is going to happen this Christmas, perhaps on Christmas Day.

May the blood of Jesus cover it all and I pray for God's grace will continue nursing favor

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I dreamt it was 20 minutes until 9 a.m., the third hour of the day, says the Bible

Last night I had a dreamt where I was warned twice by different people that I had "20 minutes" to get ready for a big meeting. 

I was in a hotel room and at first I had no idea what time the meeting was set to begin, until Farrar Abraham and her friend warned me I had 20 minutes.

Later, after a few more events elapsed in the dream, a black guy warned me (he was going around nicely to all the hotel guests because he worked there) that I had 20 minutes before the meeting started.

I was in the tub but seemed clothed as I glanced up at the clock and saw that 20 minutes later would be 9 a.m., and that reminded me of the book "9 o'clock in the Morning," which speaks of the third hour of the day when significant biblical events occurred like Jesus being crucified and the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost.

Since the 20 minutes was stated twice in my dream, even the second time when naturally it should have been less time, but I was glad I had time to get ready, I believe that is an important clue so I looked up the number 20 to figure out what it means in the Bible and most interpretations from people say it means waiting expectantly.

So perhaps it's a warning to get ready for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come.

Because 1,000 years is like a day to the Lord, I even did a rough calculation that 20 minutes equals around 9 years. I hope He comes back soon...then no more worries about anything for those who've believed Him.

JOHN 14:6