Monday, March 28, 2011

My Millionaire Mind Actions

I'm on page 77 of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, and it involves some writing, so of course I'm blogging it!

#1. My natural talents:
Techie Stuff, Webmastering
Good with people, good at speaking

I could use these talents more by teaching more people through videos and Kindle books.

#2. Let's see...I can affect at least 10 times more people than I'm doing now by going a lot more automated with my online life, and continue to investigate scripts and automated processes more and how to use them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011 success journal entries

Wrote and published article about Christian rock band in Japan and their relief efforts

Researched what people are buying in Japan and published a piece about it on

Loaded Dreamhost hosting onto two Spanx websites

Loaded Thesis theme and Wordpress onto Spanx websites

Redesigned with Thesis theme

Wrote article teaching others how to put Adsense in their Thesis Theme

Increased my own Adsense earnings already on the site due to the redesign

Set up the new astore for Spanx swimwear

Joined to get good backlinks for my product reviews

Found site screen-o-matic to make free screen capture videos -- look out YouTube partners program earnings!

And many, many more successful tasks were accomplished..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Since Success is Yours... I Wish You Joy

"Since success is yours, I wish you joy."

Those are the words that my favorite teacher of all time, Ms. Durr, signed in my high school yearbook.

And since "my success journal" was taken as a Blogspot URL (boy, how far we've come since I began my first blog in 2005) I chose those meaningful "Since Success is Yours" words to title this blog of my success journal.

I feel compelled to begin this journal because a friend of mine just came back from a seminar run by the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth.

T. Harv Eker -- or was it one of the billionaires known to him? -- urged people to trick your minds into believing we are really successful -- which we are -- by tracking our successes each day.

So here are mine for Sunday, March 20, 2011, thus far:

1 - I began Since Success is Yours!

2 - Blogged another post from my Droid phone to my website, and learned that it does take html header tag code and more

3 - Followed-up on the affiliate program rejection

4 - Got two backlinks for StumbleUpon for my product reviews