Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dream of pulling a scroll out of my nose - dream of huge hawks and a beaver and a wolf

Why not log a few more dreams now that I have this page open?

Last night I dreamt I was pulling something out of my nose. Gross, yes, but not as bad as you'd think.

It turned out to be some kind of flat, beige or white-looking scroll and now that I'm writing this down, I'm glad to remember that it was a blank slate. The stuff I choose to believe about this dream interpretation means that it was a good thing.

After all, I'm left-handed, and to pull out such a long huge thing from my left nostril was a good sign. Like I need to experience the relief in real life -- or that I will, I believe. And I will continue to write on that blank slate.

I also dreamt about two huge hawks landing on the outside of a type of building. The woman first, and then the man. They were so gorgeous that I marveled over their plumage.

The other night I dreamt about a wolf whose mouth was latched onto my right forearm, but he didn't bite me. He just kind of followed me around the empty and dark room.

Then there was a beaver in that same dream, and I was protecting people from him. No harm there, either.

Lastly, the other night I dreamt a bunch of us were hanging out around this lake or little sea with rough water and waves. No one but my friend wanted to dive in. I did spot one person near the shore trying to navigate those rough waters.

It was interesting the way the trees bent over the water and were squeaking, making noises. My friend never did jump in those waters yet. She only talked about jumping in.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Vision of a brass trophy cup

Took a nice long bath and instead of scrolling through my IG feed or hovering my iPad 2 over the water, wiping off the steam and checking my mail, I actually dedicated the time to talking with God and pouring out my heart to Him.

Somewhere in there I saw a vision of a dark brass trophy cup with handles that looked sort of like this one. So I wanted to jot it down (write the vision, make it plain…) and chronicle it. The vision made me feel positive things are on the way.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dreamt about someone driving us onto train tracks at night, got off tracks before being hit from behind, dreams about a lion, missing stairs...

Dreamt about someone driving us onto train tracks at night. We saw the train coming toward us but got off the tracks to the right side just in time before the train coming up behind us that we didn't see to not hit us from behind.

There was something about a lion in there too.

There was a recurring type of dream the other night about me climbing down a staircase with a big gap where there were no stairs. Saw plenty of white men I used to work with on the way down but I didn't speak to any of them.

One said hi Paula.