Tuesday, September 17, 2013

50 shades of gray is not a true story, I heard in my sleep

You know how you have those dreams are thoughts that come to you and you don't know if it's something that really happened in real life or if you dreamt it?

That's what happened to me when I remembered that I must've dreamt hearing that 50 shades of gray wasn't a true story and in my dream that revelation was somehow controversial because in my dream life I guess people thought it was a true story in real life if that makes any sense at all.

Maybe it's because I was thinking to myself yesterday not to include a reference to 50 shades of gray in this book I'm writing about good reads and how author EL James used good reads to get such a buzz for her 50 shades work.

My logic was that I didn't want to publicize the book even more encourage people to write things like that because I felt like it was the same type of evil that encourage that crazy man who had that Dungen and thank God it was boarded before he could hurt any children but I thought it was the same type of evil encouraging both works.

But maybe my dream somehow was saying that I was overthinking the whole thing. Who knows? Only God.

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