Friday, July 19, 2013

Dreams about my mother who died and American Girl doll taken out of the drain

I had a dream about my mother, who died in 1999, and she looked beautiful in the dream.

She was trying on outfits and getting my opinion and my sisters opinion on what she was wearing.

It was a cute beige top and short shorts that matched and she was trying to figure out what type of shoes to wear.

At first she had on high heels and I told her that we wearing high heels with short shorts was just too much. I thought to myself they looked like hooker heels.

So she changed flats that they were beige Flats that had a wraparound thing around the ankles and my sister said those looked even sluttier but I liked them.

I also dreamt that my husband and I were sneaking out the drains in our house because the water was running too slowly.

I was at the bathroom sink brushing my teeth in the water was getting backed up, and my husband was standing right here looking but it eventually drained down.

Next, my husband and I were in the second story of my childhood home but we were draining as if it were our home and I figured out how to use the snake and blow out the end so I could take it down the drain and clean out whatever was causing the stop up.

Eventually we ended up outside and all of the stuff came out of the drain, including an American girl doll and instead of throwing her away I saved her on a blanket so that I could clean her off.

It was pretty disgusting because the stuff that have been snaked out with kind of pet excrement all over it and there was like liquidy poop in this SUV car so I don't know how that ended up in the dream but I didn't want to throw away the American girl doll and her little dog because I knew it was expensive.

So I laid her on a blanket and I tried to get a little girl next to her not to touch her until I cleaned her off.

Other than that there were other adults and crap that had come up out of the sink and I was wondering how on earth things that were so big had made it down the drain.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dream about carrying a tripod in Chicago, and being set up with a possible perv

Last night I dreamt I had two black tripods in my left hand as I carried them and tried to use them to cover my purse as I walked either downtown Chicago or on the south side of the city, trying to go north.

It looked different than I was used to it looking, wherever I thought I was looked different. I kept trying to avoid all the groups of brothers hanging out in various places and in the stores and stuff, hoping they wouldn't notice me. At least a couple did but I think I kept moving.

Then another dream had me hanging out in some tall black guys apartment with some other women. It felt like an episode of the bachelor or something because I knew the few women were there as potential dates for the man. He seemed nice enough and I knew there was chemistry, but I took a devil may care attitude about him. He was a single father with a son the was so funny as the little boy described to us his school play routine he'd performed.

What turned me off about the man is that his son said his dad didn't go to the performance, but chose to stay home at the apartment right up the street and watch a movie called "beguine," which reminded me of that title, Begin the Beguine.

In the end, the brother had someone on his lap, but in the dark it didn't look like a woman but someone younger, which I'd hoped it wasn't.

That's all I remember for now. I don't know who he was. Isn't it weird how you can dream of complete strangers you don't even know if they actually exist? I hope he doesn't.