Anyway while reading John chapter 6, verse 17, about the part where Jesus walks on water, I realize that John left out the part where Peter also walked on water.
Seems like John and Peter did not get along and so John did not want to include Peter's miracle in his book.
That's kind of funny to me.
Sunglasses in my dream
I also remember in last nights dream when I was walking around downtown Chicago, and it was dark, I kept trying to take my sunglasses off and put them on my head but it was weird that the glasses kept appearing on my face.
I kept trying to take them off and I will put them on my head and my hair atop you know near the front of my head and then they would appear on my face again.
I did this several times trying to take those glasses off but I would reach back up and around my face. So I think that's the first time I've had that dream so I guess maybe it's representative of me trying to see clearer and take the darkness away and let the scales drop from my eyes a continual process.
So thank you guys for helping us I'll see clearly and through wisdom's lenses and through your lens God and what you want us to see thank you amen.
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