I have a Christian best friend from church who has prophetic dreams as well. Once she was worried about these two people getting too close at church and it prompted my memory of another dream I'd had (I think on the same night) whereby a guy was in my kitchen (representing my heart) and I was writing a script called "Cheatin' in the Next Room" (one that I'd really written in real life) but instead of me in starring female role it was his name listed with the name of a different woman.
Just "Peter" and "Grace", "Peter" and "Grace" all the way down the page.
So that didn't come to fruition -- thank God! -- but it showed me how many prophetic dreams I've been having as of late, and all my life.
Years ago I had a dream that a woman at work (who didn't have a baby) was holding a baby at the job. The very next day I saw her holding a baby -- a rare happening -- and I remembered my dream.
My Best Friend Throwing Up Blue Liquid Over the Street

More recently I dreamed about my good friend throwing up blue stuff all over the streets.
Again, it didn't make much sense to me and I don't even think I'd told her about it until after she recounted an incident some days or a couple of weeks later.
She'd gone to dinner with her husband and drank some of his blue Martini (something the rarely does) and ended up getting sick in real life -- almost throwing up on the street -- but then threw up back at home.
So this prophetic dream came back to my memory only once I put all the pieces together and remembered it. I've been wanting to remember many of my dreams more pro-actively so I thought I might as well track them here on this blog and I'd love to hear other prophetic dreams as well in order to have dated proof of when they come true.
The good ones, I pray, come true.
Not the bad ones -- which I don't always write about. My Christian friend prays about her bad prophetic dreams, and shares the ones she feels the Lord lays on her heart to share.
Gray hairs of stubble on my legs...
Last night I dreamt there were white or gray hair stubble on my legs.
I attribute this to some latent fears of getting older. This morning, as I shaved my leg hairs smooth and clean with my new triple-bladed razors, I wondered: Do people really get gray hairs on their legs?
Thank God I don't have gray hairs on my legs now. And I plan to turn all these questions and experiences of being over 40 and fabulously favored into a website that turns really popular and successful and helpful to millions.
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