Sunday, June 30, 2013

I dreamt I saw a revelation in the Bible whereby one line showed a man had dreamt something, and in the next line he did that thing

I dreamt I saw a revelation in the Bible whereby one line showed a man had dreamt something, and in the next line he did that thing.

 There was a separation between the text, for example, it was written in black whereby at the end of one paragraph (which may have been one whole paragraph unto itself) a man had some kind of dream. Then in the new paragraph, my dream showed the man performing the action.

As I sit here I try to remember if that was something I actually studied during my Bible study time yesterday morning, or if it was a dream. I think it was a dream from last night because in the dream, I underlined the revelation, the fact that I'd picked up on the teaching lesson that one line showed a man dreaming something and the next line showed a man performing that action.

 I took it to mean that we should act on the God-given direction in our dreams, and my waking mind wants to add the caveat that we should prayerfully seek God to ensure the thought and direction is from Him.

But I like that. I hope I can actually find that in the Bible.

I mean, I know about Joseph's dream about the sheaths bowing down to him and the sun and moon as well. And there were also the pivotal dreams whereby the other Joseph was told by an angel to not put Mary away because she was pregnant with the Lord by God.

And I'm sure there are numerous other incidents of people being warned in dreams of things that could happen in real life, like when Paul was warned -- and people warned him -- not to go certain ways in order to spare his life. Sometimes he heeded them, other times he did not.

I'd like to find that passage about a man receiving direction in his dream in one paragraph, and the very next line he obeyed the dream's direction.

That's why I'm back to chronicling some of my dreams. I believe God gives us great messages and directions in some of them. Test the spirits, as they say, to see if they are from God.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1