Interesting dreams last night.
The best part about it was that the Lord gave me sweet and restful, sleep -- which sent me to Google asking where I'd heard the "sweet sleep" phrase before. Ah yes, Proverbs. Of course.
I love those types of nights when I don't wake up a 2:33 a.m. or 3:47 a.m or 5:55 a.m. and lay around wondering why God has awakened me.
No, last night felt like one of those nights where I slept straight through the whole night -- and I didn't even want to get up this morning. My son pulled my wrist to force me out of bed around 7:33 a.m. or later.
The teenage girl, the book, the building and the planes flying nearby
Last night's sleep was so good and deeply REM-ish that I remembered some of my movie-like dreams.
During one of the dreams I was in a high-rise building, I guess it was a hotel room, perhaps, with my family -- I really specifically remember my son there -- I think my husband and daughter may have been nearby.
There were all sorts of interesting planes flying really close by the building. It was beautiful and a little scary all at once.
Then I was back near my home and I walked into a hair dressing salon that's no longer really there in real life (at least not like it was) and the friend of the woman who owned the shop refused to do my hair, even though I think I had an appointment.
So I turned around and talked to a teenaged friend, and she said she was on her second affair with a married man.
"God says to get the book that fell between the shelves," I told her, asking, "Does that make any sense?"
"Yes," she said. "It was the book about the second married man."
After that, my husband sat me down and I knew he had something important to tell me. I hoped it wasn't really bad news, and it wasn't. He just said he'd been told to "go west" -- and that meant we were moving to Houston.
I was ready to go.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Bald eagle carries off a hawk in his claws, right above my head
I'm thinking of an interesting dream I had last night --- one of several, but the only one that drove me to Google looking for more information about hawks and bald eagles and the Bible and more.
In my dream, I was walking in the middle of a row of apartments down a sidewalk -- perhaps like those apartments where Trayvon Martin walked.
It was daytime, and right above my head I witnessed a big bald eagle carrying a hawk in his claws, flying right above me, within inches.
It's no secret that in real life I love to watch a pair of nesting eagles near us and their eaglet babies that I want to see soon, I hope.
But I didn't know if bald eagles really attack hawks like that -- and I guess they do, but it's rare.
I know lots of mentions of eagles in the Bible, like you will mount up on eagle's wings and such. Hawks are also mentioned in the Bible, in Job and other books.
As for eagles and hawks together in the Bible? Well, that one is more of a mystery.
This is something that I'm curious about the meaning behind. Hopefully it's something good -- that bald eagle with the hawk in its talons flying right above my head last night in my sleep.
Eagles usually represent good stuff in the Bible. So I pray in Jesus' name that victory is here!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Vision of architect's tool: I saw a compass and square
Yesterday I saw a vision in my mind's eye (or Holy Spirit soul, that is!) whereby there were architect's tools, like the compass and ruler pictured here
, but in my vision, the compass was more straight up and down and open at the bottom.
Fortunately, the ruler wasn't bent like the Masons have their ruler in their symbol, and there was no letter "G" nor anything else in the middle of mine that I saw.
I took this to mean that God is really working on something, and it feels fine to leave it in His mighty powerful hands and watch and see what happens!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
My dream about huge black camera lenses, a prayer circle, me standing up on a train
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Playing around with the Essence makeover |
I can't say that God doesn't warn me about some stuff. The real question is: Are we still and silent enough and paying attention enough in our busy lives in order to hear Him?
So here I am, using these online "web logs" or blogs, as the name became shortened to be, like they were originally intended: to write down a log of entries -- an online diary!
My dream last night found me and my BFF somewhere outside. I remember the green grass and trees and stuff. There were paps around the place, and I told her to look at how huge the photogs' wide black camera lens was.
These paps were climbing up trees, and one asked the other if they wanted them to get a shot of them. I think the other photog said no.
Anyhoo, after that, I got on a train with a bunch of other people, and I was standing up -- looking for my bestie, not wanting her to be mad at me for not waiting for her. I think I'd thought she was right behind me, so I was going to save her a seat on the train, but when I looked back, I saw that she was closing out a group in prayer, as we call it in Christian circles, and it was a huge group of people surrounding others.
I continued on the train on some sort of interesting adventure.
I guess and hope we were both where we were meant to be. I interpret this to mean I am going on some sort of journey -- maybe I will physically move, maybe not. And though I might want my friend with me, maybe it means I have to go first or something.
Either way, I think it was a good dream. My sister always told me she learned that we're supposed to look at the intention and feelings behind the dream as much as what's happening during the dream. I don't remember really feeling sad or anxious -- I wasn't afraid. So I'm taking this as a good sign from heaven that great things are coming our way...
Sunday, February 26, 2012
My vision of Screen Gems logo after praying in tongues in the woods
I just came back from a glorious walk in the woods with the Holy Ghost leading me, praying through me, praying to me from heaven.
I saw a deer that scared me a bit -- but before that, I stopped at "our spot" -- that bench that has history between me and God, and as I felt the urge to raise my hands as my face soaked in the sunny sun and continue to pray aloud softly in tongues, I saw a flash of the Screen Gems logo you see pictured on the right.
It meant the world to me, because God knows my dreams and what I want and He is lining up my will with his and giving me the desires of my heart.
Further confirmation is so wonderful. That vision alone was worth the price of admission to the woods on this gorgeously cold Sunday morning with the Lord.
He is giving me such strong desires to be with Him, and I love it. I absolutely love our time together.
When I came back home, I learned that not only is Screen Gems still around, but they are a division of Sony and they also specialize in urban films, like the upcoming "Think Like a Man" movie.
Oh yeah...this is it!
Thank You, Jesus God!
I saw a deer that scared me a bit -- but before that, I stopped at "our spot" -- that bench that has history between me and God, and as I felt the urge to raise my hands as my face soaked in the sunny sun and continue to pray aloud softly in tongues, I saw a flash of the Screen Gems logo you see pictured on the right.
It meant the world to me, because God knows my dreams and what I want and He is lining up my will with his and giving me the desires of my heart.
Further confirmation is so wonderful. That vision alone was worth the price of admission to the woods on this gorgeously cold Sunday morning with the Lord.
He is giving me such strong desires to be with Him, and I love it. I absolutely love our time together.
When I came back home, I learned that not only is Screen Gems still around, but they are a division of Sony and they also specialize in urban films, like the upcoming "Think Like a Man" movie.
Oh yeah...this is it!
Thank You, Jesus God!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Qualified Clubber song by Ice Cube? 25Feb2012 and 5Mar2012
Gotta write this dream down since it's so much on my mind still this morning.
I dreamt I was in an auditorium with a woman I know in real life from church. She was like the last one left who was still with me because my sister and other people had gotten separated from me in the crowd -- or perhaps they didn't want to hang with me.
Anyway, I know I was putting make-up on my face, the foundation powder, all over my lips like I do so the lip gloss will adhere better and the pink colors pop.
I'd finished doing the foundation part, and right then a woman on stage (was it my friend who'd taken the mic?) came all the way to me sitting up in the last row with cameras following her to bring me up on stage.
"I'm going to put on some lip gloss," I said right there, being myself with the cameras rolling, because I wasn't about to go on stage all powdered-up on my face and lips without the lip gloss. So I grabbed lip gloss from my purse and put it on, and when I went up on stage, we talked and stuff, but the crowd -- mostly full of black people, weren't paying attention.
They had like a marching band awards going on at stage right, and lots of things happening. It's like the show was about to get started, and we were the warm up folks or something. I got off the stage and thought I'd accidentally taken the comforter blanket with me, but the comedian who was coming up next had thrown it down.
I thought to myself, he was right: We didn't need that blanket covering the wooden stage. I knew him and another more-popular comedian were coming up, and I knew the crowd would like that.
Qualified Clubber song by Ice Cube
Back in my seat at the top row -- I guess this was after I left the stage scene -- there was light streaming in back there, and a song came on that I started singing to:
"I'm a qualified...qualified clubber...I'm a qualified... qualified clubber..." Ice Cube sang in the lyrics to the song that I clapped to in my dream.
It was so real -- and I knew it was a Christian song in my dream, like a Christian Da T.R.U.T.H. rapping, but it was Ice Cube -- that I woke up and couldn't wait to Google Ice Cube and "qualified clubber" -- but that song doesn't exist...yet.
I can still hear the beat of the words and everything. I should record them.
Maybe God is telling me something...
What do the dates 25Feb2012 and 5Mar2012 mean?
Oh yes, and I saw two dates in my dream, written like that with the day first, like they do in some countries.
Let's see which ones.
It's called:
To tell you the truth, I don't know if the 2012 dates were there or not, I may have assumed them to be this year.
I'm wondering if it means something's going to happen on February 25, 2012 -- and March 5, 2012 -- everywhere else in the world except America, since we don't use that date format?
Maybe it's a personal message for me, or one for the world, but I pray God's grace over it, and that if you find this post for some reason, ask Jesus to rule over your life right now -- He brought you here for a reason.
Love ya!
I dreamt I was in an auditorium with a woman I know in real life from church. She was like the last one left who was still with me because my sister and other people had gotten separated from me in the crowd -- or perhaps they didn't want to hang with me.
Anyway, I know I was putting make-up on my face, the foundation powder, all over my lips like I do so the lip gloss will adhere better and the pink colors pop.
I'd finished doing the foundation part, and right then a woman on stage (was it my friend who'd taken the mic?) came all the way to me sitting up in the last row with cameras following her to bring me up on stage.
"I'm going to put on some lip gloss," I said right there, being myself with the cameras rolling, because I wasn't about to go on stage all powdered-up on my face and lips without the lip gloss. So I grabbed lip gloss from my purse and put it on, and when I went up on stage, we talked and stuff, but the crowd -- mostly full of black people, weren't paying attention.
They had like a marching band awards going on at stage right, and lots of things happening. It's like the show was about to get started, and we were the warm up folks or something. I got off the stage and thought I'd accidentally taken the comforter blanket with me, but the comedian who was coming up next had thrown it down.
I thought to myself, he was right: We didn't need that blanket covering the wooden stage. I knew him and another more-popular comedian were coming up, and I knew the crowd would like that.
Qualified Clubber song by Ice Cube
Back in my seat at the top row -- I guess this was after I left the stage scene -- there was light streaming in back there, and a song came on that I started singing to:
"I'm a qualified...qualified clubber...I'm a qualified... qualified clubber..." Ice Cube sang in the lyrics to the song that I clapped to in my dream.
It was so real -- and I knew it was a Christian song in my dream, like a Christian Da T.R.U.T.H. rapping, but it was Ice Cube -- that I woke up and couldn't wait to Google Ice Cube and "qualified clubber" -- but that song doesn't exist...yet.
I can still hear the beat of the words and everything. I should record them.
Maybe God is telling me something...
What do the dates 25Feb2012 and 5Mar2012 mean?
Oh yes, and I saw two dates in my dream, written like that with the day first, like they do in some countries.
Let's see which ones.
"In terms of dates, most countries use the 'day month year, format," writes Wikipedia. "In terms of people the big-endian form is also very common, since that is used in East Asia, Iran and partially in India."
It's called:
Gregorian Little Endian, starting with Day
This sequence is common to the vast majority of the world's countries. This date format originates from the custom of writing the date as 'the 8th day of November in the year of our Lord 2003' in western religious and legal documents, which at one time were the majority of documents created. The format has shortened over time but the order of the elements has remained constant.
To tell you the truth, I don't know if the 2012 dates were there or not, I may have assumed them to be this year.
I'm wondering if it means something's going to happen on February 25, 2012 -- and March 5, 2012 -- everywhere else in the world except America, since we don't use that date format?
Maybe it's a personal message for me, or one for the world, but I pray God's grace over it, and that if you find this post for some reason, ask Jesus to rule over your life right now -- He brought you here for a reason.
Love ya!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
2012 Prophecy, Prediction: Seismic Shift
This morning God woke me up with the words "seismic shift" -- and I wrote them down in my Bible study book and even Googled them to make sure my understanding of the "seismic shift" term is what I believed it to be.
Of course, seismic relates to earthquakes, but "seismic shift" is also defined as "causing a very great change in a situation" by the Macmillan Dictionary.
I told my friend about it -- a prophet of God -- and she was surprised that she had used the same term recently at church, telling someone about a big change or shift that was about to occur. (She said she pronounced "seismic" wrong.)
So this has me wondering what the change will be, and praying it's a wonderful and great change in the lives of us believers, and everyone that God would have experience the major change.
Like Bishop T.D. Jakes says: "Get ready, get ready, get ready!"
Of course, seismic relates to earthquakes, but "seismic shift" is also defined as "causing a very great change in a situation" by the Macmillan Dictionary.
I told my friend about it -- a prophet of God -- and she was surprised that she had used the same term recently at church, telling someone about a big change or shift that was about to occur. (She said she pronounced "seismic" wrong.)
So this has me wondering what the change will be, and praying it's a wonderful and great change in the lives of us believers, and everyone that God would have experience the major change.
Like Bishop T.D. Jakes says: "Get ready, get ready, get ready!"
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